1oT changelog
1oT changelog

Workflow automation app upgrade

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One of the most popular value-adding apps, Workflow automation, has received a significant upgrade.

In addition to improving the look and feel and updating all the descriptions to be consistent, there are a few key improvements to bring out:

  • You can now set date-based triggers. We merged the Future events app with Workflow automation.
  • We're automatically catching contradicting workflows. You'll receive an email notification if you have created a workflow that doesn't allow the other to function correctly.
  • We extended data packages related automatic actions to optimise costs better.
  • You can now set triggers for custom periods and indefinitely. E.g. trigger an action if SIM has consumed more than x GB during the entire lifecycle of the SIM.
  • You can select one of three units for every consumption-based trigger — KB, MB or GB. It used to be just MB.

Learn more about Workflow automation in our short video guide.




Fixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue where the dropdown in the SIMs view's table was acting up when creating a new group or tag
  • Customers who have added a dedicated email(s) for monthly invoices won't receive an invoice to a general company email address (unless they are the same)
